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Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Of RIGHT turns … and wrongs!!

It was a very chilled evening of a cool December day. It had rained and mostly it was drizzle and it had happened not for the first time during that evening. She was standing on a red signal very much covered in winter clothing from head to toe though the fashion quotient was still very much included. She needed to take a right from that signal. She could clearly see a white colored maruti Suzuki Estillo in front of her. There was nothing special and unique about that car but only a sticker of lord ganesha. The guy on the wheels too wanted to take a right from that signal and was giving a right turn indicator and it was blinking right in front of her face as it does.
Somewhere within her mind she felt that it was mocking her maybe laughing at her and teasing her. Of all the living creatures in this world she felt a stupid indicator was making fun and making her feel embarrassed and bad. Although she knew it was just the way you think of things but she never thought her mind would come up with such a cynical example to relate itself to such an unvalued and unobserved process. She removed her glasses, she looked down, closed her eyes shock her head in utter disappointment rubbed her eyes and charm from her face seemed had just vanished instantly.. Who can imagine that just a blinking stupid car indicator causes turmoil in ones head and automatically make her bow her head down and make you feel embarrassed? Maybe it reminded her about some dejection or she might have felt partly cheated somewhere sometime.
Those 77sec on ravi nagar sq left her image in my mind. I went into deep thought regarding what I observed that orange indicator and that sweet girl. Its one of those incidents that could be interpreted in different ways but it was very much visible on her and all over her face. My elder brothers and mothers word ran through my head “LIFE TAKE ITS REVENGE ON YOU IN WORST POSSIBLE WAY AND IN WORST POSSIBLE TIME”. Again some of my observations could be wrong but not all. Maybe it was the sequence of events that happened that day eventually culminated into such an incident for me. It seriously makes you think what you have, had and want. A failed expectation, trust or a broken dream makes you think that your life is field with mistakes and your ability to think and do the right and wrong gets affected dramatically. You are forced to think that even all your right decisions could have been wrong.
People say that success is just a pat on the back. If they say so then failures are like cuts in mind. These cuts may be difficult to heal and it pain is far very much more and irony is that you see the wounds from outside. It become even worst when you see someone else in the same situation and you are unable to empathies them. If life is like a tree and failure is grounds for it then success is like sunshine and true strength of a tree lies in depths of roots. Too much expectation never ever helps the cause. Lesser the expectation simpler is life. I think a normal life is not too much to ask for but it’s unto use to define “a normal life”. But I feel world is a small alley which is already narrow and it’s getting even narrower by day and you are always being pushed in a crowded queue. Where you have two options either fall and see others walk over you or be a part of mob.
If life can be one big holiday and a best teacher of all then life could be the worst punishment too that one can get. It’s just what one of my friends told me at he end of the day “that’s life” always selfish and ready to screw you and I felt very sad hearing this from her. Too bad that the meaning of life has changed so drastically and it has become so hollow that even a car indicator mocks it sometimes……

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