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Friday, December 24, 2010

Happy chrissmus

‘‘Mamma! Why is he so dirty?’’
A low toned sweet voice reached my ears. It was late evening around 8.45 pm. Not to mention it was December and it was cold and cracking as hell as it usually around this time and the roads were disserted. I was stuck because my bike happened to get dried the thing that happens when you overrate your biker average near dhantoli and Yashwant stadium waiting Santa Claus in form of friend and petrol in form of gift.
I looked behind there stood a black colored Hyundai accent having some Mumbai number. I looked inside to see a dejected driver in late 30’s, a heavily make –up lad looking more like a penguin wearing a Punjabi salwar and porcelain all over her face, a not-so-good-looking girl much younger then other two (may be daughter) keeping her eye grilled at her BLACKBERRY I suppose and a cute looking little boy glancing out of the window. The father got out for changing a puncher tire and no one else budges. The little boy was starring out side and querying his mother constantly.
”what’s happened Joey? Stop troubling mamma”
“wy is he sho dirty an shad?” he asked
“I don’t know beta they are poor I guess” said the lady giving a disgruntled look.
“Then how come he is wearing you school sweater didi. You said it’s the best school and all the best kids come to study there?”
It was a blue colored sweater of a reputed school in Nagpur. A bit dirty with stains of oil and dirt so much so that there was no difference in color sidewalk and his cloths.
“Maybe” she ignored.
The poor boy was shivering and smiling in his sweater which was very big and over size for him.
“But it’s all dirty and look it has holes in it too it wont keep him warm enough, can I give him mine?” Joey asked curiously pulling down the glass down completely and with half of his body outside.
“Baby stop talking nonsense and get inside the car” girl shouted.
“Why is he playing with tire didi”
The girl got frustrated and shouted “mom Joey is deliberately troubling me please tell him to behave…he even tried to hide my shoes at riya aunty place……..”
Hell I didn't understood a thing what she said after that because it was some different language.
“baby behave and don't you give any thing to that stupid fellow…” the penguin aunty shouted and as usual he totally ignored and lady's attention shifted to the uncle who had done changing tire by now and was enjoying a smoke.
“….and hurry-up darling you already waited at riyas place long enough and...” she said
“don’t you give me that shit…” he shouted an interrupted angrily “….I know that…its done now shove yourself into car we are ready to roll” he continued.
As all were ready to roll on “CHARIOT OF ANGEL” as written on the car Joey sneaked a moment and bent out of his side of window passed on a little toy to the poor child winked and smiled at him and whispered quietly ”Happpy chrissmus..”.
The poor boy ran to a shed and brought a broken toy for him instead as the CHARIOT OF ANGEL was about to fly.
I can bet on a thousand bucks the poor boy didn't understood the meaning of either words but the action brought a big smile on his face. The best moment of the entire evening came for me in quick succession and would have made the evening awesome for the poor boy perhaps the best Christmas gift.
It mad me realize that we always knew how to love. You don’t teach a new born baby how to love the sheer innocence and unbiased love that it gives to everyone is the best example of it. To continue to do it is the difficult task as you might have concluded from the above conversation. Richness and wealth of a person is known by who rich is his heart and not by bank accounts and car size. May be that’s the reason Jesus Christ chose to be borned in a manger in a stable so that every one can reach him and not only kings and the wealthy ones or not poor ones which includes no façade and vanity. I believe that the real meaning of Christmas to be so simple in heart that everyone can reach you. A gift of Christmas gift not necessarily be a Rolex, Iphone or Porsche it could be a welcome smile, a warm hug, an evening, 10 min on phone or even an SMS matters equal if not more and it automatically brings smile on peoples face.
You know people often tend to find the spirit of Christmas in god and prayers but it truly is already exsisting within themselves you know as they say if you really want to enjoy Christmas is by trying to make it enjoyable to someone else and not indulging in booze and party. Because I think there is no bigger joy in seeing someone happy because of you and its a feeling that really boosts up your spirit.
Happy Christmas to all readers and happy New Year
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