Now days the talk-of-town is the 16th Indian general elections. One thing which is very common in it is "the opinion". Surprisingly the news crew from every TV channel is running behind the commonest of common man in order to generate an opinion out of him. The best characteristic of an opinion is that everyone has one.
It’s a shady opinion of our elders that Indian youth
find such discussions boring and are un-interested in shaping the future of the
country. Why? Because we are thought-off as reckless, stubborn and impatient.
We are even branded as careless and ignorant at time which to a certain extent is
true as well. Frankly speaking we are much more worried about university paper
pattern, engg college cutoff’s, thesis’s, case study, progressive project
seminars, ex-girlfriends and even who should be the captain of our favorite IPL
But instead of assumption our highly educated minds
has started to reason with everything and it is here that the youth of India
has made its presence felt. I suppose we all have witnessed its muscle on
December 2012 at raisena hills. When it comes to our rights nothing can divide
us, not even the government. They say this youth empowerment realization was a
snow-ball effect of the 2011 Arab spring. On the contrary to what was witnessed
there, here we showed compassion and trust in democracy.
Amongst 1.2 billion citizen, 814 million are
eligible for voting of which approx 40% are between age group of 18-40 and
there would be another 100 million youngsters voting for the first time. No
wonder these 9 phased elections would be historic w.r.t the voters turnout.
Every political party is trying to woe this vote bank in there favor. This is
were we need to apply our logic and reasoning skills
Personally I feel that change is always good. Even
stale water starts to stink. But change just for the sake of change should not
be sought-off. Our decision should neither be influenced by crowd mentality nor
ancestry affiliation.
In build-up
to these elections the youth has taken the initiative, responsibility and
willingness to achieve improvement. Its our knowledge and reasoning skills that
has enabled us to think one step above our own perception. When there is
knowledge there is no room for fanatism, anarchism or flattery. We have the
resources of knowledge, tools to logic and channels to forward it as well.
So this time we wont be giving our vote to any tom,
dick or harry. They have to show there worth for the same. All you need to do
is ask theses three question when prospective MP candidate come to your
it requires character to praise others).
[2] tell me one bad thing about yourself?
it requires courage to accept criticism).
[3] tell me any one law of the Indian constitution?
(Well.. basically to educate him).
Its just to make sure that your tax money is not
spent in fixing broken mic’s and chairs in the parliament and that a sensible
and qualified person is representing you.
It might raise a few eyebrows and cause some sweaty
foreheads but at least they would realize that you value your vote. Either you
will end up learning something or teaching something.
Even if you don’t get the expected answer still do
come to vote. If not for the sake of democracy than atleast to become a part of
history. Lets take this revolution to its ultimate final goal because the path,
the speed and the destination of India would be decided by us.
feedback and comments are welcome.
thank you and do vote.....!!!
feedback and comments are welcome.
thank you and do vote.....!!!