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Saturday, January 28, 2012


Here is a letter that I found a few days back in a carol book at a church. I excluded the names as I don't want the identities to be the highlight of this write-up. It was found in a carol book at a very prestigious church. Hope you all like it.

Hello sir, I am not very habitual with stuffs like this but still m trying. Please ignore the grammatical errors. The intention behind writing this to you is to convey the message. Forgive the messenger if it misses a few ‘p’ and adds some extra ‘t’. Also keep in mind everything written by me was done with full respect and dignity kept in mind.

I know you are the lucky father of the person who is the luckiest to me. It’s not easy to be a father of a girl. I am saying this because even I am going to be a father someday and I sincerely hope that God bless me with a lovely child like your daughter. i may not have the right to comment on your daughter but I would really like to cash-in this opportunity now that in this conversation only two persons are involved one speaking other listening.

I wanted to tell you that you are a proud father of an even prouder girl. It’s not that easy to raise a girl child but I must say you did a splendid job. You love your daughter a lot and you don’t want anything wrong or won’t let anything bad happen to her. That’s why every girl looks up to their father in a very respectful way and I bet you must be the first superhero for her. Maybe greater than GOD who provides and protects her. I can surely say that she has accumulated most of your qualities and those qualities have brought me near to her.

She is very special for me just the way she is special to you. With all due respect I could never be what you are to her. You know your daughter in and out and its true m very new. But from whatever I know her I would never try to hurt her nor do anything without her consent.

Your daughter has changed my life in a very beautiful way. Making me realize that if you want you can influence other people’s life in a very subtle and positive way. There are few short-comings in me but there are few in you, your wife and even in your daughter and one should compliment others imperfection and that’s how things rotate in this universe. I believe imperfection brings uniqueness in a person’s character. I like the imperfections that daughter has. This is an honest truth and I dare not to rectify them because they make her who she is. I am honored to have known a person who is so beautiful at mind, honest at heart and simple in approaches to life. There were many instants I tried to hate your daughter but it couldn’t last for more than few hours. Your daughter is super-amazingly simple and special at the same time.

Just like my mother and father. They brought me up with sacrificing their own happiness and with sweat and tears. From them I learned to love and respect and also to take care of others like they are your own. Something very clearly written in Ramayana and m sure it’s written in bible at more than one instant. The most important pillars of any relationship are love, respect and trust. I love your daughter and it’s divine. But more than that I respect her for who she is because respect takes a higher seat than love and trust in my life where trust is the foundation of everything above. All I am asking is a chance and if you still think m not worth your daughter then you would be right.

The other day I saw you sitting with this carol book and at this very place and I know you always sit here. I sneaked in few times during your Sunday morning just to be sure. How to know if you are that person?

Its simple you are the honored father of the most beautiful looking girl in this entire St. WXYZ church. The girl who is the owner of a very simple golden chain and uses nothing to groom herself because she is beautiful in just the way she is and you know that too.

If you are the father of that blesses child all I am asking is some space in your heart for me.

If you are not – thanks for reading this but please put this letter back from where you took it and keep the carol book where it was or else that old man would never know that he is the luckiest and proudest man in this world to love that girl.

(Hopefully) Yours respectfully

The second most

Lucky guy in the world