This one is a special dedication to a very special person. The one who lived and walked on this planet a approximately 2011 years ago. If you ask me the best example of unconditional love, sacrifice and forgiveness I would suggest his name. A lot has already been spoken and written on him surprisingly many years before he came into existence in flesh and blood. He was praised, adored, followed, loved, believed and can be said as one of the wisest man that has walked on this planet. Also he was persecuted, mocked, laughed, spitted, beaten, thrashed, amused and convicted. Still he stood for what he was sent to do on earth till his last breath. I know I am really nothing to comment on this great man life who has become an inspiration to more than millions and millions of souls.
Mostly people think that Christmas is the most important festival according to Christians maybe because is symbolizes the birth of Jesus Christ but in reality Easter is the most important festival to a catholic all around the world. Because it reminds us what we are and what we believe in. This day was the same day when Lord Jesus Christ rose from the dead in flesh as he had said after crucifixion on GOOD FRIDAY. He was a living example of gods love to man.
The pinnacle of God love and affection to man was the knowing and willing sacrifice of Jesus and God knew that no matter how hard he wants to bar us from doing sins we will do it as we had done in past so he decided to send his own son in from of human and repent for mans sins. Imagine yourself taking punishment for mistakes done by every human being that has or will be born. I am damn sure you would never volunteer for this. That’s what he did and was chose and sent as human. One man taking punishment of sins of only god knows how many people. If you ask me what is the meaning of Christianity I would tell you it’s the celebration of Jesus Christ’s life. It is the celebration of life and death of one of the most selfless and pure hearted man, son of god as this is said in bible one of the old written manuscript. Remembering his love and sacrifice becoming a living example of it to make earth as good as heaven is Christianity.
Christianity is not a LIFESTYLE or REGULATION as most people believe and stereotyped as “if you are Christian than you MUST be alcoholic or compulsorily a NON-VEG or egotistical”. neither did Christ nor does the bible say any such things. Christianity doesn’t have a DO’s and DONT’s list.
If you believe in love, respect, equality, prayer, forgiveness, Gods Divine power and humanity at large then you are a Christian If you have ever seen the statue of crucified Christ you see many injuries on Christ’s body its said that whenever any human being (catholic or non) sins its translated into an injury in is crucified body. It occurs whenever you don’t respect your parents, lie, commit adultery and the biggest scare occurs when you lose faith in your own self and in what you believe.
To feel what actually Jesus did see the movie THE PASSION OF THE CHRIST for a change and imagine what ever he did he did for you and whatever happened to him was because of your wrong doings and sins as it is traditionally known from ancient times. I know that am not perfect and it would be absolutely foolish to ask for one such thing as this world doesn't accept such people. But just make u realize how much more punishment you want him to have because of you and your deeds. Everyone has there own conscious and you know best more than anyone what right needs to be done.
Christ said “don't just love you loved ones and hate those you don’t like but love those who hate you and pray for those who persecute you”
I pray the resurrected Christ forgive you of all your wrong doings and give a everlasting peace in life. Also you get the best EASTER eggs be delivered to you by Easter bunny this holy season.
Happy Easter and god bless you.
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