A privilege that we as a developed civilized society enjoy is the right to express feelings.
And it’s considered liberal too. But your view about some one is usually what your image is in that persons mind.
Telling someone truth about how you feel is very dilemmatic situation in life. It’s like a sea you find it easy to see from the shore but fear going into it. It’s a very tricky question I must say because many people fail to give a direct answer to such a question. If you ask this you will find most common answer that it depends on person to person and situation. It’s a very diplomatic answer suggesting that even they never thought of it or still not prepared to answer it. If they are true than they are justifying the fact that a girl has the right to slap a boy in pub coz he is drunk and it’s considered wrong the other way around. I mean the way you react to a certain situation varies from person to person and the ethical adorations of values are not applicable in such case or what?
I know that people say that bonding and attachment are the wheels on which the world goes but if you look at current situation even you would agree that is material centric world and people have become more materialistic today than they were few years back and the space for feeling r gradually reducing amongst our life.
Whenever you present your self to anyone they tend to make an opinion about you. Not to blame anyone but it’s the process governed by the Subconscious mind. Somehow people tend to establish a pre-notation about you and start expecting wrong thing from you. E.g. - your conservative nature is presumed to be your ego. Just for example. So if people say it varies from person to person how can be one so sure how to react to such a situation.
I know even you believe its materialistic world where people have become emotionally so weak that they ultimately live in illusion and have become addicted to various so called “sansarik pralobhann”. They do not want to face the reality because WANTS have overpowered NEEDS. No matter how hard you try to be yourself ultimately the WANTS make you a person that you are not and people marks you by what you want. Similar are other people too. There exist no feeling or bonding in today’s world. If you find someone how can fulfill your WANTS then you interact. But many times it happens that accepting or denying such thing usually creates misunderstandings and raises a big question mark on ones ability to function as an effective human being.
Latest example is about model VIVEKA BABAJEE who committed suicide and wrote in note in her diary that “why can’t you give me a small place in your life?” .
This can be clearly understood from the phrase that
If I interpreted it correctly the phrase supports the fact that everyone makes an opinion about you in your first impression and due to default characteristic of human being set a certain sets of expectation from you and till the end those things define you. My pre-notation about you will every time influence my decision about you.
So if I think that some XYZ is egoistic but he/she is not in actual then this phrase it utter nonsense.
So if we stop beating around the bush the core fact is that today’s world is too busy to hear so called “DIL KI BAAT AND JAZBAAT”. Everyone looks for there profit in someway or the other and some where down the line we are losing our identity as human because emotions are the only thing that separates us from machines and robots. The castle of success is built on graves of emotions.
The matter of fact is that in the process of making robots like human we the humans are becoming robots indeed. Life is about fighting, enjoying the victory and learning from defeats but never giving up it’s the ultimate gift by nature so respect it ….
plz pay your tributes to there departed soul. May they findwhat they didnt n this world.